It's fantastic! Just wish there were a version where it looped back now...that's what the repeat button was invented for *click*
It's fantastic! Just wish there were a version where it looped back now...that's what the repeat button was invented for *click*
I uploaded a version of this song looped for 9.5 minutes on Youtube. ( )
Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to improve this for a V2 someday!
It looped!? I didn't notice! FANTASTIC!
It's not that often you come by a looping track that works as well as this
Yup! Definitely tried to nail that, what little I did with this mix :)
Nicely put together - it flowed really well!
Glad you liked it!
Sounds like it would appear in Super Mario Galaxy or something like that! Great piece, man!
Thank you so much, man!
Awesome way to start it, and it built up really nicely! I think it's definitely the workings of a talented individual. The way the Bass was used as well really helped to make it a good tune
I appreciate the love mate!
I honestly can't count the amount of times I've gone back to this song to put it on repeat! Definitely one of my favourites, and I'd love to use it in any project I can as outro music or something
Hey thanks! Go ahead and use it for whatever you like :)
I like it - the start was ok, but it built up into something brilliant! I'm impressed
hm Thank you)
Joined on 2/24/13